Sunday 10 May 2015

Quantaum Mathematics: Chapter 4 quantaum geometry

Chapter 4 The Quantaum Geometry

this chapter deals with quantaum geometry.

what quantaum geometry really is?

quantaum geometry is a special kind of co-ordinate geometry in which numbers are replaced with random numbers,on any of the axis.

Types of quantaum plane

m*b^0=m     if  this is satisfied on all 3 axis then it is 3-3 D plane. it is useful in describing the motion of planets to the atom.random number do not exit on any axis.

m*b^m  it will have many but finite value . on the basis of this 3 kind of co-ordinate exit
  • 2-3 D plane in which 1 axis has random number plotted on it.
  • 1-3 D plane in which 2 axis has random number plotted on it.
  • 0-3 D plane in which all 3 axis has random number plotted on it.

Uses of Quantaum Geometry

in near by future we will face many kind of particle and thier random functions, in that case quantaum geometry will be helpful in understanding their random function. i am making few predictions of the use of quantaum geometry.
  • electron motion could be understand in 2-3 D plane.
  • bosons,photons,etc could be understand in 1-3 D plane.
  • the ultimate particle, if exit could be understand in 0-3 D plane

the point of coincident is that at below the minimum label randomness exit , it is also shown in the nature,
in nature atom is the minimum and below minimum that is electron motion random .

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